When I was at campus worship one Sunday Night, I was praying, "God what do you want from me?" If your like myself, you understand your not a perfect person, and you take one day at a time fixing every wrong issue in yourself.
Let me give you an example. Last Semester I was told that I needed to work on my communication on projects, so since then I have been working everyday on my communication with people within projects and groups. So far Iam doing great with my organizing and group work with my strategic management group.
Well its the same thing with God, when something is wrong its great when he corrects me, so I can get it right. That night there God told me, "You have to two things stopping you from reaching your full potential within me: Denial of who you are and Lust.
When God told me this I was like Okay, your definitely right, God. I have been denying my calling to the ministry for a long time. Probably my sophomore and Junior year, I struggled with my Christianity, and my passion for souls, the church, and Jesus just left. I was dry. One of the reasons I believe I was so dry was because of my denying of what God wanted me to do through me. I was not confident enough in him, but most of all I was being disobedient. I finally got it together last year around Feb. when I finally told one of my mentors, Mrs Jill about it, and she definitely corrected me. lol.. she was pretty harsh too, but I needed to wake up.
Lust has been something I have struggled with for a long time. Its crazy because you think you are the only one, and then you realize so many Women struggle with the same thing. Its so easy to get caught into, especially with the mind. I mean I was really bounded by this for years, and no one knew. I did everything to change it too. I fasted, I prayed, I asked for prayer. It would get better and then I would fall again and do the same thing over and over. I believe that somethings are removed through processes, and this has been a process of renewing the mind and staying focus on God. I realized I cant fix my issues on my own, I need Jesus helping me every moment. I learned that when I stopped trying to fix my problems and just started to love more on Jesus, My life became easy especially within my Christian Walk.
This is just a summary of things, but I will blogging more about these things...God...and Life.
Sometimes we have to change the way we think to be in position for God to do a new thing
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